A Document Management Blogger with a Flair for Marketing


Monday, September 8, 2008

Document Management Software – how to make the most of it.

By Bill Thomas
From my “DocuBLOG” column
Bill works for USA-ONE Interactive

Ever since the invention of paper, there has been a need for managing the documents we create. With the advent of computers, that need has grown exponentially. Today, there are a number of document management software systems to help businesses manage the growing plethora of items created and needing to be used, tracked, stored, retrieved and archived.

A good document management software system is a real problem solver for a growing business. In selecting the ideal system for your organization, be sure you choose one that solves your organization’s many diverse needs and allows for multiple uses of information. Excellent document management software provides the ability to locate and retrieve information quickly and easily. With the right system, digging in physical file cabinets becomes a thing of the past. But caution — make sure you’re not replacing time-intensive searches through a metal file drawer with time-intensive searches through a complicated, slow-moving electronic document management system. Simplicity, speed and ease are the ticket.

When selecting a document management software system, ask questions and don’t settle for less than what your organization needs. Not sure what you need? A good representative for a document management software provider will be able to point you to the solution that’s right for you. Be sure to always ask for a demo or see if you can “test drive” it yourself with a free trial offer.

For starters, here are some excellent questions to have in your back pocket:

Q - Where will our documents be stored and what is the process for accessing them?
A - It’s important, for safety, that your documents be stored outside your company computer system. Document management software that offers an ASP or “web-based” solution is much safer than storing documents on employees’ desktops where they can be lost for good — poof! — with a company system crash.

Q - How will documents be organized and indexed?
A - Document management software systems typically use a database to store items. Does the organization make sense to you? Does the software allow your organization to create its own “hierarchy” for handling/accessing information? If not, keep looking.

Q - How is retrieval of documents accomplished? Is it possible to browse through everything on a given topic? How quickly can you retrieve specific information?
A - Again, speed and full access to what you need are critical.

Q - How safe are our documents? What measures are in place to protect our information?
A - This is a critical aspect of document management software. While you want access to be
easy for those who should have it, you want an ironclad electronic wall keeping
competitors, former employees and prospective saboteurs out.

Q - If there’s a disaster — fire, flood, earthquake, etc. — are our documents safe?
A - Any answer besides, “yes, absolutely” won’t cut it.

Q - How long will documents be retained as “active”?
A - “As long as you specify” is the one satisfactory answer to this question. Beyond the active period, find out the process for archiving AND having easy access to the archived files in future years.

Q - Is the document management software affordable?
A - Your document management software should never cost more than your small to medium sized company’s cell phone package. In other words, spending somewhere between $110 and $140 a month is reasonable. Anything more is corporate robbery.

Bottom-line? After you’ve heard all about a prospective document management software system, do you have the feeling that it will enhance your ability to serve your market and improve your efficiency as an organization? Or do you have a gnawing feeling that you will be bringing on a new electronic master that will force your organization to fit its mold? Your document management software system should serve YOU, not vice versa!

The electronic age has made simple, efficient document management a reality for thousands of companies worldwide. Select the right document management software and it has the potential to put your organization at the forefront of your field or keep you there. Choose poorly, and you’ll feel like you have a 2-ton elephant on your back.

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